Monday, September 24, 2007

Digital Privacy in the US

I was reading a few articles today about Google and privacy rights. One article was about Google Street View, a technology that shows street level images of buildings, cars and even people, and the privacy issues of doing such a thing in Canada. Apparently the privacy laws in Canada restrict showing faces or license plates on the internet.

After reading this article I wondered why the US is lagging behind in the issue of digital privacy. Another point of view could say that others are overprotective. I don't know which is right but in a world of identity theft and crazy stalkers I would tend to lean towards the lagging behind camp. This article shows us that the US does not protect the right not to be identified online while Canadian laws purely protect that right. The US needs to learn from the Canadian laws of privacy and help protect the privacy and dignity of its citizens.

1 comment:

Timothy Carter said...

Well said. When I found out you could look down streets on Google, I thought it was more than a little creepy. Way to go, Canada!